Albert B. Jansen, eMBA- Professor of Business English, and Associate Professor of Economic, Logistic, and Finance, at Yang En University, Quanzhou, Fujian Prov, People Republic of China
Pengantar Redaksi:
Dr Albert Jansen, merupakan pakar ekonomi asal Belanda yang sekarang mukim di Quanzhou, Republik Rakyat Cina. Dr Jansen semula bersedia datang atas undangan Global Future Institute (GFI). Namun karena kesibukan kerja yang tidak bisa dielakkan, maka Dr Jansen hanya bisa memberi sumbangan makalah untuk meramaikan seminar bertema Jugun Ianfu, Romusha dan Sejarah Kelam Militerisme Jepang di Asia Pasifik. Sebagai apresiasi terhadap antusiasme dan dukungan moralnya terhadap prakarsa GFI menyelenggarakan Seminar ini, kami turunkan artikel ini baik untuk edisi Inggris maupun edisi Indonesia.
What is a human being?
I once read an article on this question: “A human being is a creature having the qualities of man or mankind.” Is this a human being? Perhaps, but – given the repellent experience of Nanjing – I am inclined to give you another definition. Please do not get a shock. A human being is an erect physical and most hostile creature made out of two legs and arms and one head with a breast and abdomen in-between and is apparently only in those situations contented when murdering all live around him with a samurai sword – or any other lethal weapon – in his hands. Is this a correct definition of a human being? Clearly no ….
Ladies and gentlemen,
Is this a correct definition of a human being? Clearly no ….
Ladies and gentlemen,
(Distinguished guests,)
We are not here to continue any hatred campaign towards the Japanese generations living now. We heartily embrace them as friends and to join promoting peace together and to look for all possibilities for improved self assertion for all nations whilst acknowledging the existence of evil.
But is it not obvious, that we have to reconsider the fundamental question as to why there are human beings on Earth and for what final purpose they were put here on this very Earth?
Why is human nature subject to such an abysmal degree of evil as evidenced by war crimes like the rape of Nanjing? And why – on the other hand – is human nature capable soaring itself up to create the highest levels of sophistication and culture as attested by works of science, technology, architecture, and arts like sculpture, painting, music, poetry over the course of so many centuries and many nations alike? Why this gap between what human beings do?
Nowadays – in the age of information – evil is spreading out in a much more subtle way and the way to reach its goals is more covert, hideous and submerged from public communication than ever before.
Can we meet – or even manage – this kind of evil and try to poise it by improving any technology or starting a new culture of arts? How can we possibly meet this beast of evil?
Clearly: An answer could be given by many religious leaders: turn your eyes to God – accept his guidance! True! But even then: Would this really stop evil from performing on Earth? Probably not …
Let me provide you with some details about the Nanjing Massacre together with the official yet shameful denial on the scale of the crime. And here lay tensions between China and Japan.
The Nanjing Massacre, also known as the Rape of Nanjing, was a six-week period following the Japanese capture of the city of Nanjing (Nanking), the former capital of the Republic of China, on December 13, 1937.
During this short period, up to 370,000 civilians were murdered and up to 80,000 women were raped by soldiers of the Imperial Japanese Army. The massacre remains a contentious political issue, as various aspects of it have been disputed by some historical revisionists and Japanese nationalists, who have claimed that the massacre has been either exaggerated or wholly fabricated for propaganda purposes. As a result of the nationalist efforts to deny or rationalize the war crimes, the controversy created surrounding the massacre remains one of the main three stumbling blocks in Sino-Japanese relations. Yet, Premier Wen Jiabao recently visited Japan with an imperial audience to the Japanese emperor on invitation by former Japanese Prime Minister Hatoyama Yukio as to further improve relationships and renewed the ties this week after the Diaoyu Islands incident with the current Prime Minister Naoto Kan in Brussels.
Estimates of the death toll of Nanjing vary widely.
The International Military Tribunal of the Far East estimates 260,000 casualties; China’s official estimate is 300,000 casualties, based on the evaluation of the Nanjing War Crimes Tribunal. Japanese historians estimate a lower death toll, in the vicinity of 100,000–200,000. Some claim the existence of only 40,000 deaths or even deny that a widespread, systematic massacre occurred at all, claiming that any deaths were either justified militarily, accidental or isolated incidents of unauthorized atrocities. These negationists claim that the characterization of the incident as a large-scale, systematic massacre was fabricated for the purpose of political propaganda.
Although the Japanese government has acknowledged the acts of cruelty and violence committed by the Japanese Army after the fall of Nanjing, some Japanese officials have argued that the death toll was military in nature and that no such crimes ever occurred. Denial of the massacre has become a staple of Japanese nationalism. In Japan, public opinion of the massacres varies, and a few deny the occurrence of the massacre outright. Nonetheless, recurring attempts by negationists to promote a revisionist history of the incident have created controversy that periodically reverberates in the international media, particularly in China, South Korea, and other East Asian nations.
In 1928, the Chinese Nationalist Government moved the capital of China from Beijing to Nanjing. The city normally held about 250,000 people, but by the mid-1930s its population had swollen to more than 1 million. Many of them were frightened refugees, fleeing from the Japanese armies which had invaded China.
On December 1937, the Japanese troops launched a massive attack upon the city. In the following six weeks, the occupying forces engaged in an orgy of looting and mass execution which came to be known as the Nanjing Massacre. Most experts agree that at least 300,000 Chinese died.
During the Nanjing Massacre, the Japanese committed a litany of atrocities against innocent civilians, including mass execution, raping, looting, and burning. It is impossible to keep a detailed account of all of these crimes. However, the chilling evidence of this historical tragedy is indisputable – thousands of victims were beheaded, burned, bayoneted, buried alive, or disemboweled as shown by my slideshow. To this day the Japanese government has refused to apologize for these and other World War II atrocities, and attempts to rewrite history books by a significant sector of Japanese society trying to exonerate Japan from its crimes is a fact.
China together with India and Myanmar instigated the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence or Panchsheel in 1954, conceived as a guide for state–to–state relations to promote development towards a nations’ self assertion against any colonialism. These 5 principles were referred to by Chinese President Hu Jintao as a goal to be pursued – now between China and the States on the US-China conference held in May 2010.
Ladies and gentlemen,
I could go on with all the historical details. Let me give you my view: What I would like to stress is the fact that evil always has intentions to operate on all levels on Earth, because our Earth is the seed planet for all possibilities changing the final destiny of creation with focus on mankind. Today we can see a shift to more subtle mass destruction weapons : like financial derivatives.
My aim is to put the following question right in the center of your kind attention:
Evil as performed in Nanjing’s did not really stop in 1937. It continued with its dark and hostile obscurities towards mankind up to this day. Therefore we should ask ourselves: Why these evil aspirations? What is actually this role of mankind on Earth, what information can contribute to know the essential and final goal and how achieve it and what part does evil play in this plan?
That’s why I would like to fiercely promote a real outline for peaceful development for mankind that does not induce any wars on a global or local scale, but provides, an outline that would further substantiate the panchsheel agreement and is – up to the mathematics – in harmony with final intentions from a spiritual world. It took me many years of in deep study to finally realize the development plan backed by natural laws. Please have a look at this ppt: “Development in two slides” (see PPT file attached)
What you see here is a template revealing the conditions for a sound development. This is not a new idea sprouted from my mind. It is as old as first ancient cultures ever emerged on Earth. Of course for you, it is incomprehensible at the start. But it explains the occurrence of the spectral system of visible and invisible light emission, of the periodical system of all chemical elements, could support also new research on plasma and ionization theory. And I would need to write a book to explain the model in deep and to illustrate it with examples. But let me start out to explain to you some essentials.
Our world is simply put a kind of platform – a real theatre– a stage of two forces that originate from opposite sides – a rational and natural side and – if we restrict ourselves to mathematics – an irrational and preternatural side (this to avoid religious terms), which however meet each other every time we step up to a next stage of development yet experienced as a deep critical situation. Periodically a crisis occurs in our life as a kind of slowdown of the current stage of development to complete zero. During such a crisis, people often panic and are indeed endangered in critical situations – because out of unawareness they succumb to the crisis. Unable to handle the situation, they get out of control and attempt to suicide themselves which f.i. happened about 20 or 30 times in 2010 in Shenzhen based Foxconn Technology Group , or commit crimes like murder to seek a way out. And crises on a global scale can be long-term, for which long term but a-moral strategies for a final solution are developed – like provoking wars as recently done by the DPRK. Such strategies are signs of obstinacy and thus weakness simply out of development unawareness. NOW-strategies for a solution for instance are always very clever but usually abstain from any sense for morality. But all these a-moral actions towards a solution however do not solve the critical situation. Seeking solutions that try to avoid crises by a-moral strategies simply sterilize the innate potential for a necessary next jump into a new stage.
The point is, that a critical situation can only be mastered by having awareness of the basic necessity of a crucial crisis for development and to realize, that it is only a passing of a narrow gate to a next development stage. Stepping up to subsequent stages give new quality to life, but at the same time require refraining from few beloved habits, doodads or situations once so dear. We must be willing to leave behind some redundancies in us, in order to transform our capacity and sensitivity towards higher quality.
Stepping up from stage to stage in development leads to a final goal from mere collecting physical wealth towards the acquirement of highest innate quality and capacity assets. And we can have an imagination of that goal if we look at the development for instance of a plant. A plant does not merely grow – increasing its substances, but is always subject to several jumps in development to reach the blossoming stage. A blossom is neither a root nor a leave.
So, why do people or nations start wars? Because they are unaware of the laws for peaceful development and therefore are on the haunt to hold the attained stage of development, while accumulating physical resources to increase personal welfare and lifetime enjoyments that all together do not support their real development advancement. As a tragic consequence people often avoid under all circumstances the occurrence of any critical situation wishing to keep the current stage an enduring one. Here lies the gate to the problems and here is the black hole where evil steps in, because evil – ladies and gentlemen – is only possible when mankind does not wish to sync to the conditions to step up to a next stage of development.
This development outline as a fixed pattern of conditions changing may be novel – I am completely aware of it and therefore I spoke hardly about it, but never talking about it would mean, that we never get the roots of evil communicated, condemn ourselves to future suffering. Therefore, although such a plan might be uncommon to you, we can work on it to get these development conditions communicated.
In this mankind’s age of information there is a need to inform you and to educate young people in an appropriate way, otherwise we will not be able to handle our development, and that is the reason why I am speaking to you now. Development’s law needs a societal discovery !!
[If time allows] Let me proceed with this issue focusing on an educational issue.
There is knowledge that in this age of information only the rich people will give their children the possibility for individual, real practical financial education by sending them to expensive private business schools and universities. Others – less endowed with money – would never get this possibility only receiving the weakening educational material in which no one is really interested in. If this is a goal – restricting financial education to the upper ten of society – then it is a covert one, which I would mark as aloof not to say satanic. The idea is outlined in an article written by G. Edward Griffin; “The creature from Jekyll Island” on David Rockefeller’s General Education Board. Let me quote:
“The purpose of the foundation – the General Education Board – was to use the power of money, not to raise the level of education [..,], as was widely believed at the time (1903), but to influence the direction of that education […]. The object was to use the classroom to teach attitudes that encourage people to be passive and submissive to their rulers. The goal was – and is – to create citizens who were educated enough for productive work under supervision but not enough to question authority or seek to rise above their class. True education was to be restricted to the sons and daughters of the elite. For the rest, it would be better to produce skilled workers with no particular aspirations than to enjoy life.” Quote end.
Ladies and gentlemen,
Let me emphasize again: Perhaps you might be of the opinion that on this WW2 conference occasion elaborations on development and education are a bit off topic, especially focusing on Nanjing’s massacre, which is indeed important enough to reflect on. In a way it is indeed off topic, but all historical information of any massacres can be gathered on internet. And we really do not need to go into proving any conspiracy theory. But we do have info about their final goals. And these goals are to the least very interesting. And we may not try to beat evil with the same weapons! That would make us not much better than the a-moral promoters of a NWO.
What I would like to stress is, that 1. We need to have a vigilant awareness of any such putative plans of a New World Order strategy aiming to enslave all middle income and poor people towards a controlled environment of a future Earth this NWO is aiming and preparing for: A next and much more silent global massacre that indeed would withhold mankind from proper and sound development. 2. We need to acknowledge that morality and integrity are integral parts of development bringing capacities to eminence that encompass what we call “quality” towards the final fields of development. As long as we don’t take morality serious, we are prone to further suffering. Is the law of development towards social responsibility and morality taught in our educational institutes? No! We teach facts, numbers and inferences from presumed models and mark our unique children accordingly. Why wonder then, that we experience suicides, murder and war! And when evil happens – ladies and gentlemen – we start to cry and to mourn our victims. Can development towards morality be taught? Yes, it can. Socrates – the Greek philosopher – all ready acknowledged this.
How? At first in providing our children with necessary education to make them active thinkers and entrepreneurs not only for business but for the management of their life and for the span of their life, this to prevent creating goofy fun seekers that have the exclusive goal for mere joy, entertainment and superfluous happiness whilst abiding money, drugs and excessive alcohol – that would make them victims of enduring stress and create weakness in all its aspects. In that case, they certainly will be a pride for keen financiers. Development is not a “merry-go-round”.
This is something we can learn from the massacre of Nanjing. People of Nanjing were weak, poor, outspent and the whole city was full of stranded refugees fleeing from Beijing to the new capital. There was hardly any military defense in Nanjing as nearby Shanghai was captured, no real awareness as well of any evil forces that could emerge. Before the invasion, people felt happy and relieved! The shock of the thief coming in at bright daylight from the sky paralyzed all.
This time we can achieve sufficient awareness, but time is running out. As soon as we are all identified with biochips, controlled by these chips, thus victims of possible future eradication it will be too late and development will go undesired ways. We don’t seem to do anything about it and let things just happen. I am neither ashamed nor afraid to put a spotlight on this potential danger – on this danger, as well as on the indifference towards this danger in our mainstream society. Should there be no such NWO – good for us all, but it is better to be prepared through proper awareness and by taking action than to get up on the wrong side of the bed.
Therefore let us turn towards peaceful development and learn its conditions. Let us provide education to the youth that includes not only acknowledgement but also the mastering of critical situations, that needs to be induced by a wise heavenly Father in order for us to advance to better levels. If we do not – our children, we all, just undergo development and will suffer.
Together with a Chinese student I once visited a Buddhist temple in Quanzhou and we saw all these people praying. I asked my student what they are actually praying for. He replied: “for a long and healthy life, for happiness and no suffering.” They pray for ai (love), fu (wealth) and kang (health). I then asked him, “Suppose you were that Buddha sitting on a throne, listening to these people and you would know that in order for them to have a good, long and healthy life they need the experience of a periodic crisis with or without suffering – depending on their knowledge state. How would you reply to them in their dreams and you – being a Buddha – what would you grant these people? There was no answer.
The ways of God are sometimes incomprehensible, but if we are aware of the necessity of a periodical crisis through in deep knowledge of sound development conditions then we keep peace in our heart and we uphold trust in our life, while being ascertained that next levels of development in our life are to be reached and pending. Let’s learn from strong fish like the salmon that have an innate impulse to swim against the stream – and not with the stream – to enable their own fertility.
We are on Earth not to undergo but to master development by putting our brain and heart in it. This is the lesson we may learn from Nanjing: Either we acknowledge and teach conditions for a sound development to our children or evil forces will continue and we grant them green light ! Don’t depart from this conference with the inner statement that in your opinion this or that speech was bad or good. Take advantage of the insight given and act accordingly.
Thank you very much for your kind attention. Xie xie.